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Details about engineered hardwood flooring

on December 28, 2012

Most home owners prefer hardwood flooring although they can be expensive in terms of budget. Solid hardwood floors can also be troublesome for setting up on the floor and you need to hire professional contractors for installation of the same. Again the hardwood floors can be a lot finicky unless they are well installed; else when they come in contact with moisture, they can be troublesome.

There is other kind of flooring that looks like hardwood although it is not, it is the laminate flooring. The laminate flooring is prepared with composites of wood chip which are placed on the bottom and the top layer is made from melamine infused paper.

Instead the different engineered wood is much more genuine and authentic. The engineered hardwood is prepared with the non finished plywood underneath the wood finish on top. Thus it is for sure that the total floor is hundred percent wooden. It is better to have the plywood underneath the top layer simply because the finish layer in that case is laid crosswise with the middle layer that is also plywood. Both of them offer strength to the flooring.

There are many different types of engineered hardwood floors available like the pine, ash, teak, etc. People who buy the hardwood flooring materials can also go for the solid hardwood. The engineered floors make use of hand scraped and the rich hickory which adds a timeless classic feel to the home.

There is also another kind of engineered hardwood floor like the red oak that is more conventional in looks and is also very inexpensive. They are very good looking as well. Maple floors are also good and appropriate for usage on the flooring of living, dining, and family rooms which look for comfortable and also unique finish. The maple flooring has the top layer that looks like pre finished one that signifies that it is sanded and also sealed already. Whenever such a hardwood floor is laid, it must be installed immediately. In case of other kinds of solid hardwood floors, especially that are unfinished types, they need to be sealed and thus you can wait for sometime prior to the installation process. In fact the solid hardwood flooring can also be obtained in the pre finished format.

The best advantages of the hardwood flooring Dixon is that you can perform the sanding on them unlike that of the laminate flooring whenever you notice any kind of scratches or dings on them. But you must also remember that the engineered wood is not very suitable for sanding for more than three times depending on the layer of finishing on it.

The wood flooring that is engineered fit well in the bathrooms, kitchens, basement etc. These places are such that are prone to more moisture content in the ambiance. Since no wooden floor is really suitable for any place that is prone to moisture and thus engineered wooden floors are more suitable in such places of the home. But you must maintain them well enough.

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